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Rules fights and insults slow down South Carolina House on next

Time:2024-06-03 18:09:44 Source:healthViews(143)

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The South Carolina House ground to a halt at times Wednesday on its next-to-the-last day as members fought over rules and traded thinly veiled insults.

Republican Rep. Micah Caskey put on a tin foil hat while at the well to take a swipe at the Freedom Caucus, made up of his party’s most conservative members.

Freedom Caucus member Republican Rep. April Cromer called for a bill that restructured the state’s health agencies that was dozens of pages long to be read. That request would have likely run until the required 5 p.m. Thursday adjournment. But Cromer took back her request when another member invoked a rule that all members, including those who had already left without leave, had to come back.

In between the sparring, the House passed its amendments to the state budget and the health agencies restructuring bill.

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